Himes//Young Couples

Tanner & Amber have a young daughter and a lab. They are excited to host and grow together as a group. They’re looking forward to becoming friends, growing in knowledge & love for the Word and the Lord. They would love for you to join them at their home to hang out, eat a meal, and study the Word together. This group will meet every Thursday (one month on, one month off).

BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//github.com/rianjs/ical.net//NONSGML ical.net 2.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTEND:20240829T183001 DTSTAMP:20240105T164927 DTSTART:20240829T183000 RDATE:20240829T183000,20240905T183000,20240912T183000,20240919T183000,2024 0926T183000,20241107T183000,20241114T183000,20241121T183000,20241128T1830 00 SEQUENCE:0 UID:744e5cc2-c167-4070-8572-d194e8ebeabd END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Starting: Aug 29
Nelson County


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