If you love board games, card games, party games-well, any game really- AND love Jesus and people, this is the group for you! The Salladays (Nikki & Adam) welcome you to join us the 3rd Saturday of each month in our home to build relationships and bring friends while trying to build the longest train in Ticket to Ride, exchange wheat in Settlers of Catan, or gather the most cards in Brain Freeze. We will use our love of games to get to know one another and share our love for Jesus with each other and those that don’t know HIS love. Adam grew up in Michigan (Go Blue!) and Nikki in Louisville; they've been attending Southeast Christian together for the past three years after moving back to KY. Nikki plays softball and volleyball and Adam enjoys golfing and watching any sport available. A rambunctious Australian Shepherd named Meira will be an entertaining addition to all of our game nights! We look forward to sharing our lives, and mutual love of games, with you as we share the love of Jesus together!