Crowe Home Group

Ken and Tami are an Army family who have made multiple moves but trace roots to South Carolina and Kansas. With five lively kids (Bella, Mylove, Madoche, Eli, and Nate), our home is often known as the Crowe Family Circus, except on Sunday nights when it is the Church. We are a group of Kentucky natives and transplants seeking to grow and serve where God has planted us. Group members range from retirees to parents with young kids and speak in accents from Southern drawls to New England chatter. We talk football, basketball, and sewing during our social time and have even been known to leave a game on while we snack and fellowship before study. We enjoy snacks and fellowship from 5:30 to 6:00 pm and shift to study and sharing until 7:00 pm, while the kids play in the back with the sitter. You will be greeted at the door by the circus ringmaster of the day and welcomed to share life with this great group of friends. We look forward to knowing you.

Sunday at 5:30 PM


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