Britt Empty Nesters /// Home Group

Steve and Dana have been married for 31 years. We both grew up in the Southend (just two blocks apart) and attended the same church. We have lived in the Southend most of our lives. We have been members of Southeast since 1998 and started at the SW Campus at the launch. We have five children (27, 25, 22,20, & 17) one is still at home, four are married and two perfect grandchildren: Edith (Avi) and Oliver. We would love to have a community that are in the same season of life as we are. People who want to be the best parents, grandparents, and in-laws that they can be. We believe this is best achieved with working on ourselves as Christ followers. We want this to be a great opportunity to meet together and encourage one another to become who God wants us to be. Come journey with us!

Wednesday at 6:30 PM


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