
a group of people standing around each other

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Wills and Trusts Seminar

Do you have a will? Is it up to date? Learn how to plan your estate and establish a living trust for you and your family. Financial Planning Ministry, a Southeast partner, will help you create a personal estate plan and will compile all the necessary documents at no cost to you.

Bullitt County

Student Room

Sunday, May 19 • 9:30 am

Women's Early Morning Group // Bible Study // Sievert

We're a group of women meeting before work, before the kids get up, and before we jump into our day! We meet every Wednesday at 5:15 am at Dunkin' Donuts in Mt. Washington. We'll go through "Get Out of Your Head" by Jennie Allen for a few more weeks. Then, we will start another 6-week women's Bible study book. We will keep the group going all year, rotating studies.

Bullitt County

Wednesdays 5:15 AM | Starting: Feb 14

Men's Group // Bible Study // Hall

Meet up with other men at Panera in Shepherdsville to study God's Word, pray, and encourage each other each Thursday morning from 7:15-8:15.

Bullitt County

Thursdays 7:15 AM | Starting: Jan 25

Women's Home Group // Heavenly Hands // Zimmerman

Heavenly Hands sewing group will meet once a month, on the third Monday of the month from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. The group will make girls' dresses, boys' shorts, and more that are all simple to make by a beginning seamstress to the experienced. Materials are supplied for people to take home and sew at their convenience to be returned the next month. Give service to honor God through sewing! For more information, contact Linda Zimmerman at 502-594-6453.

Bullitt County

Mondays 10:00 AM | Starting: Jan 15

Motorcycle Ministry Group // Bean

This Kentucky-based group is for anyone who loves Jesus, loves motorcycles, and wants to share the Gospel to the motorcycle community first and foremost, but it's also for anyone needing prayer, seeking salvation, and much more.
If you love Jesus, love riding, and would like more information, get registered, and we'll send you our next meetup. You can also contact Robert Bean at or 502-439-7961.

Bullitt County

Bullitt County In-Person Morning Men's Group // Brian Roach

Meet and grow with other like-minded Christian men who would like to kick off the weekend (every other week) with prayer, some Scripture, and fellowship! Our mission is to build a strong group of men who have a heart for our Bullitt County community and those who need help in it. We will build a group of "I know a guy" men who are willing to help when the church needs us with any project in our community! We hope you will join us every other Saturday beginning January 27.

Bullitt County

Every other Saturday | Starting: Jan 27

Widows Community Group // Listening to the Voice of God // Brumley

We believe you belong here, and we want to help create a community of women healing and walking through loss, whether that loss was last week or ten years ago. Scripture is clear that the church is called to "care for orphans and widows in their distress" (James 1:27). Our church family wants you to know you are loved and seen at our campus.

Bullitt County

Mondays 10:00 AM | Starting: Jan 22

BC // Anxiety

This group is being offered to provide support to those struggling with anxiety. We will also have opportunities to learn techniques and pathways for managing and overcoming in this journey of living with these mental conditions. Whether your battle has been more recent or longstanding, you will find God-centered support in this group.

Bullitt County

Bullitt County Campus | 220 Armstrong Lane, Mount Washington, KY

Tuesdays 7:00 PM

BC // Depression

This group is being offered to provide support to those struggling with anxiety. We will also have opportunities to learn techniques and pathways for managing and overcoming in this journey of living with these mental conditions. Whether your battle has been more recent or longstanding, you will find God-centered support in this group.

Bullitt County

Bullitt County Campus | 220 Armstrong Lane, Mount Washington, KY

Tuesdays 7:00 PM

Bullitt County Student Groups 2023-24

Registration for Middle and High School Ministry groups for the 2023-24 school year. High School groups meet on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 beginning August 16. Middle School groups meet on Sunday nights from 6:30-8:00 at church beginning August 20.

Bullitt County

Bullitt County Campus

MSM Sundays at 6:30 p.m.; HSM Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. beginning week of August 16

BC // Friends and Family of Addicts

This group is being offered to provide support and encouraging tools to those who live in family systems impacted by addiction. We cannot fix an addict, but we can learn to live healthier in relationship with them, using wise boundaries and Godly wisdom. You will find support for your personal recovery journey in this group. For more information, contact the Care Ministry at 502-253-8400 or

Bullitt County

Bullitt County Campus | 220 Armstrong Lane, Mount Washington, KY

Tuesdays 7:00 PM

BC // Addictions

This group will offer an opportunity for men and women to understand the complexity of addictions. It will also provide individuals the support and accountability in your efforts to overcome your own struggle with an emphasis on emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.

Bullitt County

Bullitt County Campus

Tuesdays 7:00 PM

Men's Mid-40s to 60s Home Group // Dorris

Join our men's home group with other guys ranging from our mid-40s to 60s in age as we gather together weekly to study and grow in willingness to serve others. Plus, we are big on having homemade treats most weeks!

Bullitt County

Tuesdays 6:30 PM | Starting: Jan 23